Using Notion to Manage Your Life — Part 12 of 12 — Global Tags Database

Michael Rossi
5 min readDec 27, 2020


Photo by Holly Mindrup on Unsplash


A global tags database allows us to centralize our tags and apply them consistently throughout our dashboard. Instead of having a free-form “tags” field within each database we will create a centralized list of tags that can be applied to any database.

Having this centralized list of tags will also allow us to drill into the tag itself to find everything throughout our dashboard where we applied the tags. It allows us to see all notes, tasks, projects, goals, media, and contacts where we assigned the tag in one page.

Topics in Today’s Lesson

  • Creating the Global Tags Database
  • Creating the Global Tags Template
  • Using the Global Tags Database

Notion Tutorials

  1. Getting Started with Notion
  2. Creating and Using the Notes Database
  3. Creating Templates for the Notes Database
  4. Creating and Using the Tasks Database
  5. Project Management Using Notion
  6. Goal Setting and Tracking
  7. Daily Tracking and Habits
  8. Weekly and Monthly Reviews
  9. Creating a Contacts Database or CRM
  10. Creating Book/Recipe/etc. Databases
  11. Using the Notion Web Clipper
  12. Bringing it Together with Global Tags

To stay up to date and receive notifications when each tutorial is released, please consider signing up for our newsletter or following us on Twitter and Facebook.

Lesson 12: Creating the Global Tags Database

Step 1: In our Shortcuts section, under “Contacts”, create a new “Global Tags” sub-page by typing “@Global Tags”. Open the link, add an icon, and select Table.

Step 2: Delete the “Tags” field and rename “Name” to “Tag”. The rest of the fields will be relational links to our other databases. For each database in the dashboard, add a relational link and change the field name accordingly.

  • Notes
  • Tasks
  • Projects
  • Goals
  • Media
  • Contacts

Step 3: Go into each table and rename the relational field that was created to “Tag”.

Lesson 12: Creating the Global Tags Template

Step 1: Back in the Global Tags database, remove the empty rows and create a new page template.

Step 2: Open the template as a page and make it full width. Name it “New Tag Template”

Step 3: Create a toggle for each of the relational fields we added to the database. Create a linked database for each and filter to show only those items where the Tag is the current Tag being viewed.

Step 4: Continue this for the remaining databases and format coloring as needed.

Lesson 12: Using the Global Tags Database

Step 1: Go into you various databases and update the Tags as needed. Tags can be personal such as “Productivity” or “Personal Finance”, school related such as “Accounting 101” or “Graduation”, or work related such as “Benefits” or “Vacation/Holiday”.

Try to keep the tags at a higher level than projects, goals, or people, as you can use the corresponding databases to centralize by those categories.

Step 2: Once finished, go into the Global Tags database and open a tag to see all the related information on one screen. You may need to select the “New Tag Template” to insert the template to the tag.

End of Lesson 12: The Global Tags Database

As this series comes to an end, you now have a working Life Management System within Notion. More importantly, you’ve learned how to use Notion and can use these new skills to further customize your dashboard or create new systems.

Thank you for joining me in this journey the past 12 weeks. If there is any additional content you would like to see, please contact me and I will try to make it happen.

  1. Getting Started with Notion
  2. Creating and Using the Notes Database
  3. Creating Templates for the Notes Database
  4. Creating and Using the Tasks Database
  5. Project Management Using Notion
  6. Goal Setting and Tracking
  7. Daily Tracking and Habits
  8. Weekly and Monthly Reviews
  9. Creating a Contacts Database or CRM
  10. Creating Book/Recipe/etc. Databases
  11. Using the Notion Web Clipper
  12. Bringing it Together with Global Tags

Notion Tutorials

If you haven’t already, sign up for our newsletter where you can be notified as additional lessons are published. The goal is to publish a new lesson each week. Feel free to contact me via Twitter, Facebook or email if you have any questions. I’ll do my best to answer everyone in a timely manner.

Lesson 12: Free Notion Template

Here is the link to the template we just created. To add this template to your workspace, click the “Duplicate” link in the upper right of the screen.

Originally published at



Michael Rossi
Michael Rossi

Written by Michael Rossi

Husband, Father, Project Manager, Life-Long Learner

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